Thursday 28 February 2008

Letter To Hazel Blears

Submitted to Hazel Blears today:

"Right Honourable Hazel Blears MP
The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Planning Division
Government Office for London
9th Floor, Riverwalk House
157-161 Millbank
LondonSW1P 4RR

28 February 2008

Dear Ms Blears,

Subject London Borough of Croydon (Gateway Site) Compulsory Purchase Order 2007

I have received a letter (dated 25 February 2008) from Berwin Leighton Paisner, solicitors for Arrowcroft Ltd, in respect of Arrowcroft’s further environmental information submitted to you on 24 January 2008. They state that the deadline for submitting objections to Arrowcroft’s revised/new data has been extended to 17 March 2008.

I wish to formally object that, despite the fact that the public inquiry into the CPO has officially ended, Arrowcroft are still being allowed to submit revised/altered information:

· This is outwith the time limit of the inquiry

· It is my, and indeed many other residents’, understanding that once the inquiry ended no further information could/should be submitted

· Berwin Leighton Paisner, Arrowcroft’s solicitors, are seemingly setting the timetable and deadlines for objections

· Berwin Leighton Paisner, and by definition Arrowcroft, appear to be acting on your behalf

· The additional information being submitted after the end of the inquiry, and onus to object to it, is confusing to the residents of Croydon (myself included) who are negatively impacted by Arrowcroft’s plans. We have no specific legal expertise, and trust you to act impartially.

I have the following questions:

1. Who is running this inquiry, you or Arrowcroft?

2. Given the ongoing bombardment of information and changes by Arrowcroft, how can lay people possibly keep track or indeed understand what is happening?

3. Given the ongoing changes of information and revised deadlines for objections, how can we possibly keep track of the process that is being followed by you in trying to come to a decision wrt the CPO?

4. Has the application been altered?

5. Why is Arrowcroft being allowed to set the deadlines?

In my opinion the independence and impartiality of the inquiry is being severely, and openly, compromised by Arrowcroft’s and Berwin Leighton Paisner’s actions.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,


Croydon Against The Arena

cc Deborah Tobin – Planning Inspectorate
Andrew Pelling MP

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